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Keyword density is a metric for evaluating how frequently the chosen keyword appears in the web article. It would be best if you used keywords enough but not too many.

If you repeat keywords for every other word on every line, then your site may be a “Spam”.

Keyword density is expressed as a percentage of the total number of terms.

Suppose you have the words on a webpage which number to 100, and you use it five times on content. The keyword density on a website can be determined by taking the total number of keywords on a page, divided by the total number of words. It is at 5%. Therefore, there is a 5 per cent frequency of the keyword word in the text.

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The suggested norm for keyword density should be between 3% and 5% to get reached by search engines.

This rule extends to all the pages on your web. The feed is not limited only to a particular keyword but also linked to a similar keyword. Keyword density should be between 3% and 5%.


Three basic tips for testing density:

Copy the text from an online source into a word processor.

Go to the “Edit” menu, hover your mouse over “Select All”, and select “Select All”. Go to the ‘Tools’ menu and then press ‘Word Count’. Take note of the total number of words on the page.

To edit an existing sentence, find the Edit button from the Edit menu. Click the “Replace” button. Pick the keyword you want to search. “Hopefully, it won’t be changed.”

  • The device will have a count of the terms you substituted. This tells you how many times you have used the keyword on this page.

Find out how many times a word appears on your website.


Use relevant keywords in page titles.

It is better to use relevant keywords in the page titles itself. This title tag differs from a Meta tag in that its use of a question mark distinguishes it. Whatever text one places in the title tag (between the <title> and </title> portions) will be included in the web browser’s title bar, some browsers also add their own name to the title tag, like Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Opera.

The title tag is one of the most important factors determining how search engines will rank your webpage. As a result, all major web crawlers will use your page’s title in your listings based on your tagline.

If you have designed your website as a collection of various sites and not a singular homepage, you must be aware that each site on your site must be optimised for search engine traffic. The title of each page, such as the keywords you use in the article and the meaning you impart in the article, will draw traffic to your site.

If you have designed your website as a collection of various sites and not a singular homepage, you must be aware that each site on your site must be optimised for search engine traffic. The title of each page, such as the keywords you use in the article and the meaning you impart in the article will draw traffic to your site.

The unique combination of these words and phrases, with the appropriate content, will draw customers using different search engine terms and techniques to locate our products, services, or information.

Small business owners commonly make the most common error when designing their website by registering their business name and their firm’s name in every title of every page. Most of your customers do not know your firm’s name until they have looked at your website and chosen to bookmark you.

While you want your business name in the home page title, it is probably a waste of valuable keyword placements to include it on every page of your site. Why not consider inserting keywords in the title so that your page displays higher in search engine rankings?

Presenting keywords in the title of a document and avoiding stop words like “and”, “with” and the like is important in search engine optimisation. Contact Us for your keywords density